a-)Rhinoplasty (Noise job)
Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose. The improvement is performed by the reduction and remodeling of the cartilage and bone skeleton. Rhinoplasty sculptures the face because the nose is the center of the face because its pathological projection is the one that disturbs the profile, and because it is by now the most frequent operation in cosmetic surgery.
Profile study is important. Thus two requirements are established: the ideal protrusion of the tip of the nose fo it is the new length of it and the depth of the nose-frontal angle. These two points are joined with an imaginary line (Ricketts Line): if the nasal bridge protrudes beyond this line, it must be lowered; if it does not touch the line, an elevation is indicated.
Nose surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia. The duration time of the operation is about 1 hour. During closed rhinoplasty, incisions are done with the vestibule of the nose, t inside the nasal sinus, so postoperative scars are not noticeable.
After the operation, cotton swabs are inserted into the nose and a special fixing plate (langet) is placed on top of the nose.
After 1 week after the surgery, the patient can return to social life.
Facial Lifting is a surgical intervention aimed at firming and rejuvenation the facial appearance.
This improvement is achieved by stretching the skin and muscles of the face. The improvement degree varies from individual to individual upon the physical characteristics of the skin, the degree of damage caused by solar radiation, the underlying bone structures, and other factors.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The duration of the operation is approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the amount of work that needs to be performed in the various areas of the face, neck , and scalp.
The incisions are made in the temporal region and behind the ear, and, if there is an indication for a forehead lift, also in the frontal region or further back, at the vertex. The incisions run down from the temporal region to the front of the ear, curve down around the earlobe, and continue in the groove behind the ear up, almost to the top of the ear and down again, and then in the hair of the nape region. Also in the case of a forehead lift, the scars from the temporal region go back to the frontal region or further back, to the vertex. Therefore, if patients wish to wear their hair up, they can do so without any scars being evident.
Through these incisions, , the skin is lifted and freed from the underlying muscle tissues. It may be necessary to remove fat from the area below the jaw and centrally suture the flaps of the platysma muscle (responsible for the vertical bands that protrude from under the skin in the anterior neck region). The fascia of the muscles of expression is stretched up, plicated, and sutured. All of this takes place beneath the skin so that it can drape with minimal tension over the tensed muscles and that surgical wounds can heal undisturbed without excessive strain.
The excess skin is removed and the closure is performed with very fine sutures. At the end of the operation, a soft bandage is applied to maintain moderate compression on the whole area of the operation. This is to achieve a reduction in edema (swelling) and to protect wounds.
A facelift is sometimes performed in combination with blepharoplasty (which is eyelid correction surgery) or other types of facial surgery. Three weeks before the operation, the patient must not have suffered an acute or inflammatory disease, and also, there must not be any skin diseases. It is recommended stop taking any blood thinners
You must come to the operation on an empty stomach, ie. 6 hours before the operation you can not drink, eat or smoke. The hospital stay is 1-2 nights.
c- )Neck Lift
The neck lift is a minimally invasive technique for the rejuvenation of the neck, as it tightens the skin, contours the chin, and eliminates incipient platysmal bands. This minimally invasive treatment is especially helpful in eliminating incipient platysmal bands, one of the most visible signs of neck aging. In a mild, moderate, or advanced phase, the neck lift obtained natural results.
The neck lift treatment consists of two parts:
A tailored skin detachment is performed, making incisions in hidden areas such as behind the earlobes to perform skin resection of all excess skin.
The plication of the platysmal bands is performed, to unite and tighten the platysma muscle and place it again with the original appearance. We introduce retention sutures to unite both sides of the platysma and the superficial tissue that is fallen. Next, they are repositioned in the contralateral side of the neck and anchored behind the ear. This stable anchorage tightens the neck and restores the angle between the lower end of the face and the neck.
One of the greatest advantages of a neck lift is the naturalness that it achieves in its results. Thanks to the fact that its muscular and tissue structures are repositioned, we achieve such positive effects.
The neck lift also offers durability, since it allows you to enjoy its results for several years.
Recovery lasts up to 14 days within time bruises completely resolve, and swelling disappears. For 30 days it is necessary to observe a sparing regime – to refrain from fitness, sauna, and sunburn.
From two weeks to a month, it is recommended to wear a tightening compression mask (do not take it off for about one week, then you need to put it on at night). It is recommended to wash your hair with warm, but not hot water, and dry with cool air.
d-)Breast Enlargement( Breast Augmentation)
Over time, with age, weight loss and pregnancy cause sagging in the breast. Breast Augmentation surgery helps to increase lost breast volume and corrects saggings. Usually, implants or lipo-fillers are used to increase breast volume. The surgeon uses special 3D software. This software allows the patient to see how the breast will look after the operation then it is decided how big or type should be used to have natural look. The decision is made to operate using silicone implants or Lipo-filling, and after specifying the type, the patient is sent to the operating room. If the breast augmentation operation is to be performed using silicone implants, a decision is made on the method by which the operation will be performed. It is very important to obtain natural-looking, symmetrical, and beautiful breasts after Breast Augmentation surgery. The silicone implant placed d is very similar to natural breast tissue, so it is hard to feel it. The silicon implant is inserted under the muscle, which is the preferable method to obtain the most natural look of breasts
The operation takes approximately 40 minutes. The hospital stay is 1-2 nights. The sutures are removed after 7-10 days of the surgery. Within 2-3 weeks swelling and bruising starts to away gradually change upon each individual.
e-)Breast Reduction and Lifting (Mastoplasty)
Reduction mammoplasty is the cosmetic surgery forback pain, poor posture, fatigue, diaper rash under the breasts, to skeletal deformities. Those who have extremely large breast volumes and sagging are good candidates for the surgery. Some patients have only breast deformity, it turns out that the desired shape can be achieved not with a reduction operation, but only with a lift. For this reason, the surgeon decides which type of operation will be most suitable for the patient only during the consultation.
In most cases, breast reduction surgery is reserved for women, however, on occasion it can also be performed on men.(Gynecomasty)
During the operation surgeon, first of all, eliminates part of the tissues - adipose, glandular, and skin covering that form the breasts. After that, he reshapes the area occupied by the nipples and areola. The scar is almost invisible since it s performed T-shaped incision, vertically under the nipple and continuing longitudinally under the mammary gland.
The surgery lasts approximately 1 hour, is performed with a minimum number of incisions, and is aimed at achieving asked sizes previously with the most comfortable recovery process and less scar. Fast recovery and a trouble-free postoperative period, in addition, have a positive effect on the patient`s psyche.
f-)Tummy Tuck( Abdominoplasty)
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the mid and lower abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty is not a surgical treatment for being overweight. It eliminates skin sagging. It obtained very good results with sagging anterior abdominal wall due to pregnancy and a sudden change in body weight.
Obese people who trying to lose weight should postpone any kind of body contouring surgery until they can maintain their weight loss, otherwise, the results obtained are significantly less. There are several different tummy tuck techniques. It can be combined with other contouring surgeries including liposuction, or it can be performed at the same time as other elective surgeries. For most cases, the main scar is in the lower part of the abdomen, near the pubis, and hidden under underwear or a bathing suit- like a cesarian line.
The procedure lasts approximately 3 to 4 hours and can be performed on an outpatient basis or with postoperative hospitalization is a one-night stay. It is performed under general anesthesia. The approximate recovery time to return to daily activities is between 10 and 14 days. Drains are frequently placed at the end of the surgery (small tubes that help drain the fluid that accumulates under the wounds), which are usually removed between two and seven days later. Among the restrictions during the recovery period are: do not sunbathe for at least a month, do not carry heavy objects, and do not bend over. A special girdle should be used for a few weeks to ensure a satisfactory result.
g-) Liposuction
Liposuction is one of the most popular aesthetic surgery, by both men and women. Liposuction is sucking up the fat cells from the subcutaneous tissue. Liposuction is a surgical procedure is aimed to shape the body and not to lose weight. After liposuction, modest weight loss occurs with the loss of 1 to 3 kilos and therefore cannot be conceived as a weight loss operation.
Liposuction application areas are the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inside of the legs, knees, arms, and under the chin, and if necessary, it can be performed in other areas with an excess amount of unwanted body fat accumulation.
The intervention, almost entirely, is performed in a JCI certifıed hospital under local anesthesia with sedation, therefore there is no hospital stay for only special cases it is necessary to be performed under anesthesia with an overnight stay in the hospital. Liposuction is often applied are the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inside of the legs, knees, arms, and under the chin, and if necessary, it can be applied to other areas with an excess amount of unwanted body fat accumulation.
Within 7-10 days, the small wounds in the needle holes will heal and you will be back to your normal life. Massage is suggested lasting min. 20-25 minutes a day. Swelling disappears after 6-8 weeks, in the 3rd week the patient begins to see the ideal shape of her body.
h-) BBL-Brasilian Butt Lift(Gluteoplasty)
BBl or Gluteoplasty is an aesthetic buttock plastic surgery. BBL can be performed with two techniques, one is filling own fat the other one is buttock implants.
If a small amount of enlargement is needed lipo-filling technique is used. Lipo-filing helps to correct the hanging effect of the buttocks by filling the intergluteal fold. Lipo-filling lasts between 6 months to 1 year.
The other BBL technique is placing implants into the buttock. The results can be seen just after the surgery and last for many years. After healing scars almost disappear. The implant is placed under general anesthesia and lasts up to an hour and a half. During the surgical intervention, strictly measured implants are installed for the patient. The implant can be placed either above the muscle or deep into the muscle. If integumentary tissues are not strong implant placement above muscle may not look natural then it is preferred to place the implant into muscle even if recovery lasts longer than above placement. If it is needed to obtain a better shape it may be performed lipo-filling after implant placement. Recovery time is approximately 4 months, and fitness is allowed after 2 months of surgery.